Add metrics page

Add a page to print metrics.
This commit is contained in:
finga 2021-11-07 16:55:11 +01:00
parent beb039aa3c
commit a12ad80cba

View file

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ use regex::Regex;
use rocket::{
data::{FromData, ToByteUnit},
http::{HeaderMap, Status},
outcome::Outcome::{self, Failure, Success},
post, routes,
@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ use std::{
net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, SocketAddr},
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
@ -72,6 +74,19 @@ struct Opts {
command: Option<Command>,
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
struct WebhookeyMetrics {
requests_received: Mutex<usize>,
requests_invalid: Mutex<usize>,
hooks_successful: Mutex<usize>,
hooks_forbidden: Mutex<usize>,
hooks_unmatched: Mutex<usize>,
commands_executed: Mutex<usize>,
commands_execution_failed: Mutex<usize>,
commands_successful: Mutex<usize>,
commands_failed: Mutex<usize>,
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
#[serde(deny_unknown_fields, untagged)]
enum AddrType {
@ -425,6 +440,18 @@ impl<'r> FromData<'r> for Hooks {
request: &'r Request<'_>,
data: Data<'r>,
) -> Outcome<Self, (Status, Self::Error), Data<'r>> {
let requests_received = &mut request
.unwrap() // TODO: Check if unwrap need to be fixed
.unwrap(); // TODO: Check if unwrap need to be fixed
**requests_received += 1;
match Hooks::get_commands(request, data).await {
Ok(hooks) => {
if hooks.inner.is_empty() {
@ -432,6 +459,16 @@ impl<'r> FromData<'r> for Hooks {
let hooks_unmatched = &mut request
.unwrap() // TODO: Check if unwrap need to be fixed
.unwrap(); // TODO: Check if unwrap need to be fixed
**hooks_unmatched += 1;
warn!("Unmatched hook from {}", &client_ip);
return Failure((Status::NotFound, WebhookeyError::UnmatchedHook(*client_ip)));
@ -440,10 +477,32 @@ impl<'r> FromData<'r> for Hooks {
Err(WebhookeyError::Unauthorized(e)) => {
error!("{}", WebhookeyError::Unauthorized(e));
let hooks_forbidden = &mut request
.unwrap() // TODO: Check if unwrap need to be fixed
.unwrap(); // TODO: Check if unwrap need to be fixed
**hooks_forbidden += 1;
Failure((Status::Unauthorized, WebhookeyError::Unauthorized(e)))
Err(e) => {
error!("{}", e);
let requests_invalid = &mut request
.unwrap() // TODO: Check if unwrap need to be fixed
.unwrap(); // TODO: Check if unwrap need to be fixed
**requests_invalid += 1;
Failure((Status::BadRequest, e))
@ -451,7 +510,11 @@ impl<'r> FromData<'r> for Hooks {
#[post("/", format = "json", data = "<hooks>")]
async fn receive_hook<'a>(address: SocketAddr, hooks: Hooks) -> Status {
async fn receive_hook<'a>(
address: SocketAddr,
hooks: Hooks,
metrics: &State<WebhookeyMetrics>,
) -> Status {
info!("Post request received from: {}", address);
hooks.inner.iter().for_each(|(name, command)| {
@ -462,9 +525,27 @@ async fn receive_hook<'a>(address: SocketAddr, hooks: Hooks) -> Status {
info!("Command `{}` exited with return code: {}", &command, status);
trace!("Output of command `{}` on stdout: {:?}", &command, &stdout);
debug!("Output of command `{}` on stderr: {:?}", &command, &stderr);
let commands_executed = &mut metrics.commands_executed.lock().unwrap(); // TODO: Check if unwrap need to be fixed
**commands_executed += 1;
match status {
0 => {
let commands_successful = &mut metrics.commands_successful.lock().unwrap(); // TODO: Check if unwrap need to be fixed
**commands_successful += 1;
_ => {
let commands_failed = &mut metrics.commands_failed.lock().unwrap(); // TODO: Check if unwrap need to be fixed
**commands_failed += 1;
Err(e) => {
error!("Execution of `{}` failed: {}", &command, e);
let command_execution_failed =
&mut metrics.commands_execution_failed.lock().unwrap(); // TODO: Check if unwrap need to be fixed
**command_execution_failed += 1;
@ -472,6 +553,49 @@ async fn receive_hook<'a>(address: SocketAddr, hooks: Hooks) -> Status {
async fn metrics(metrics: &State<WebhookeyMetrics>) -> String {
r"# HELP webhookey_requests_received Number of requests received
# TYPE webhookey_requests_received gauge
webhookey_requests_received {:?}
# HELP webhookey_requests_invalid Number of invalid requests received
# TYPE webhookey_requests_invalid gauge
webhookey_requests_invalid {:?}
# HELP webhookey_hooks_successful Number of successfully executed hooks
# TYPE webhookey_hooks_successful gauge
webhookey_hooks_sucessful {:?}
# HELP webhookey_hooks_forbidden Number of forbidden requests
# TYPE webhookey_hooks_forbidden gauge
webhookey_hooks_forbidden {:?}
# HELP webhookey_hooks_unmatched Number of unmatched requests
# TYPE webhookey_hooks_unmatched gauge
webhookey_hooks_unmatched {:?}
# HELP webhookey_commands_executed Number of commands executed
# TYPE webhookey_commands_executed gauge
webhookey_commands_executed {:?}
# HELP webhookey_commands_execution_failed Number of commands failed to execute
# TYPE webhookey_commands_execution_failed gauge
webhookey_commands_execution_failed {:?}
# HELP webhookey_commands_successful Number of executed commands returning return code 0
# TYPE webhookey_commands_successful gauge
webhookey_commands_successful {:?}
# HELP webhookey_commands_failed Number of executed commands returning different return code than 0
# TYPE webhookey_commands_failed gauge
webhookey_commands_failed {:?}
metrics.requests_received.lock().unwrap(), // TODO: Check if unwrap need to be fixed
metrics.requests_invalid.lock().unwrap(), // TODO: Check if unwrap need to be fixed
metrics.hooks_successful.lock().unwrap(), // TODO: Check if unwrap need to be fixed
metrics.hooks_forbidden.lock().unwrap(), // TODO: Check if unwrap need to be fixed
metrics.hooks_unmatched.lock().unwrap(), // TODO: Check if unwrap need to be fixed
metrics.commands_executed.lock().unwrap(), // TODO: Check if unwrap need to be fixed
metrics.commands_execution_failed.lock().unwrap(), // TODO: Check if unwrap need to be fixed
metrics.commands_successful.lock().unwrap(), // TODO: Check if unwrap need to be fixed
metrics.commands_failed.lock().unwrap() // TODO: Check if unwrap need to be fixed
async fn main() -> Result<()> {
@ -492,8 +616,9 @@ async fn main() -> Result<()> {
.mount("/", routes![receive_hook])
.mount("/", routes![receive_hook, metrics])
@ -531,7 +656,8 @@ mod tests {
let rocket = rocket::build()
.mount("/", routes![receive_hook])
let client = Client::tracked(rocket).await.unwrap();
let response = client
@ -718,7 +844,8 @@ mod tests {
let rocket = rocket::build()
.mount("/", routes![receive_hook])
let client = Client::tracked(rocket).await.unwrap();
@ -775,7 +902,8 @@ mod tests {
let rocket = rocket::build()
.mount("/", routes![receive_hook])
let client = Client::tracked(rocket).await.unwrap();