Reorder code

To improve readibility and to prepeare split of `webhookey` code from
`Rocket` some functions are reordered.
This commit is contained in:
finga 2021-11-07 16:43:10 +01:00
parent 4594db6c44
commit beb039aa3c

View file

@ -305,39 +305,6 @@ impl Hooks {
impl<'r> FromData<'r> for Hooks {
type Error = WebhookeyError;
async fn from_data(
request: &'r Request<'_>,
data: Data<'r>,
) -> Outcome<Self, (Status, Self::Error), Data<'r>> {
match Hooks::get_commands(request, data).await {
Ok(hooks) => {
if hooks.inner.is_empty() {
let client_ip = &request
warn!("Unmatched hook from {}", &client_ip);
return Failure((Status::NotFound, WebhookeyError::UnmatchedHook(*client_ip)));
Err(WebhookeyError::Unauthorized(e)) => {
error!("{}", WebhookeyError::Unauthorized(e));
Failure((Status::Unauthorized, WebhookeyError::Unauthorized(e)))
Err(e) => {
error!("{}", e);
Failure((Status::BadRequest, e))
fn accept_ip(hook_name: &str, client_ip: &IpAddr, ip: &IpFilter) -> bool {
if ip.validate(client_ip) {
info!("Allow hook `{}` from {}", &hook_name, &client_ip);
@ -376,6 +343,18 @@ fn get_value_from_pointer<'a>(data: &'a serde_json::Value, pointer: &'a str) ->
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Could not convert value `{}` to string", value))
fn get_string(value: &serde_json::Value) -> Result<String, WebhookeyError> {
match &value {
serde_json::Value::Bool(bool) => Ok(bool.to_string()),
serde_json::Value::Number(number) => Ok(number.to_string()),
serde_json::Value::String(string) => Ok(string.as_str().to_string()),
x => {
error!("Could not get string from: {:?}", x);
fn replace_parameters(
input: &str,
headers: &HeaderMap,
@ -405,40 +384,6 @@ fn replace_parameters(
fn get_string(value: &serde_json::Value) -> Result<String, WebhookeyError> {
match &value {
serde_json::Value::Bool(bool) => Ok(bool.to_string()),
serde_json::Value::Number(number) => Ok(number.to_string()),
serde_json::Value::String(string) => Ok(string.as_str().to_string()),
x => {
error!("Could not get string from: {:?}", x);
#[post("/", format = "json", data = "<hooks>")]
async fn receive_hook<'a>(address: SocketAddr, hooks: Hooks) -> Status {
info!("Post request received from: {}", address);
hooks.inner.iter().for_each(|(name, command)| {
info!("Execute `{}` from hook `{}`", &command, &name);
match run_script::run(command, &vec![], &ScriptOptions::new()) {
Ok((status, stdout, stderr)) => {
info!("Command `{}` exited with return code: {}", &command, status);
trace!("Output of command `{}` on stdout: {:?}", &command, &stdout);
debug!("Output of command `{}` on stderr: {:?}", &command, &stderr);
Err(e) => {
error!("Execution of `{}` failed: {}", &command, e);
fn get_config() -> Result<File> {
// Look for config in CWD..
if let Ok(config) = File::open("config.yml") {
@ -472,6 +417,61 @@ fn get_config() -> Result<File> {
bail!("No configuration file found.");
impl<'r> FromData<'r> for Hooks {
type Error = WebhookeyError;
async fn from_data(
request: &'r Request<'_>,
data: Data<'r>,
) -> Outcome<Self, (Status, Self::Error), Data<'r>> {
match Hooks::get_commands(request, data).await {
Ok(hooks) => {
if hooks.inner.is_empty() {
let client_ip = &request
warn!("Unmatched hook from {}", &client_ip);
return Failure((Status::NotFound, WebhookeyError::UnmatchedHook(*client_ip)));
Err(WebhookeyError::Unauthorized(e)) => {
error!("{}", WebhookeyError::Unauthorized(e));
Failure((Status::Unauthorized, WebhookeyError::Unauthorized(e)))
Err(e) => {
error!("{}", e);
Failure((Status::BadRequest, e))
#[post("/", format = "json", data = "<hooks>")]
async fn receive_hook<'a>(address: SocketAddr, hooks: Hooks) -> Status {
info!("Post request received from: {}", address);
hooks.inner.iter().for_each(|(name, command)| {
info!("Execute `{}` from hook `{}`", &command, &name);
match run_script::run(command, &vec![], &ScriptOptions::new()) {
Ok((status, stdout, stderr)) => {
info!("Command `{}` exited with return code: {}", &command, status);
trace!("Output of command `{}` on stdout: {:?}", &command, &stdout);
debug!("Output of command `{}` on stderr: {:?}", &command, &stderr);
Err(e) => {
error!("Execution of `{}` failed: {}", &command, e);
async fn main() -> Result<()> {