Add further information and rework some sections

This commit is contained in:
finga 2021-09-28 15:48:10 +02:00
parent dbd8ffed35
commit 46b0c0e133

View file

@ -36,11 +36,10 @@
*** Rust, the language *** Rust, the language
- First appearance 2010 - First appearance 2010
- Rust is the coating closest to the bare metal
- Memory safe without gcing, optional reference counting - Memory safe without gcing, optional reference counting
- Ownership, lifetimes, traits, functional paradigms - Ownership, lifetimes, traits, functional paradigms, zero-cost
- Variables are immutable by default and can be shadowed and zero-size abstractions
- Performance of idiomatic Rust is comparable to the performance
of idiomatic C++
- A well designed language and ecosystem - A well designed language and ecosystem
** Strengths and Weaknesses[fn:strengths] ** Strengths and Weaknesses[fn:strengths]
@ -81,7 +80,7 @@
- Thread safety / concurreny - Thread safety / concurreny
- Segfaults - Segfaults
- Error handling - Error handling
- Zero-cost abstractions - Zero-cost and zero-size abstractions
** Where to start? ** Where to start?
*** First Steps *** First Steps
@ -98,21 +97,46 @@
- [[][]] - [[][]]
- [[][]] - [[][]]
** Where to find help and stay up to date ** Where to share, find help and stay up to date
*** Online sharing/testing
- [[][]]
- [[][]] (Not only for Rust, but it is also supported)
*** Chat (Discord) *** Chat (Discord)
- [[][The Rust Programming Language]] - [[][The Rust Programming Language]]
- [[][The Rust Programming Language Community Server]] - [[][The Rust Programming Language Community Server]]
*** Boards/Blogs *** Boards and Blogs
- [[][Rust Blog]] - [[][Rust Blog]]
- [[][r/rust]] - [[][r/rust]]
- [[][This Week in Rust]] - [[][This Week in Rust]]
** Language ** Language
- Semicolons have meaning - Semicolons have meaning (statements vs. expressions)
- Mutability - Mutability
- Shadowing - Shadowing
- Functional paradigms - Functional paradigms
- Pattern matching
- Memory safety
- Meaningful compiler warnings and errors
** Statements vs. expressions
*** Statements
#+BEGIN_SRC rust
let something = true;
*** Expressions
~false~, ~x + y~, ~fn_call()~
*** Example
#+BEGIN_SRC rust
let bool_value = true;
let value = if bool_value {
} else {
** Mutability and shadowing ** Mutability and shadowing
*** Immutable variable *** Immutable variable
@ -133,6 +157,15 @@
** Type aliases ** Type aliases
*** Type aliases example
#+BEGIN_SRC rust
type Frequency = u64;
let clock: Frequency = 8_000_000
type u64_t = u64;
let another_clock: Frequency = 16_000_000 as u64_t;
** Tuple structs ** Tuple structs
*** Definition of a tuple struct *** Definition of a tuple struct
@ -152,7 +185,7 @@
** Structs ** Structs
- Direct access vs. getter and setter - Direct access vs. getter and setter (~pub~ keyword)
- ~Something::new(item)~ and ~Something::default()~ - ~Something::new(item)~ and ~Something::default()~
*** Definition of a struct *** Definition of a struct
@ -163,6 +196,53 @@
} }
** Enums
*** Enum example
#+BEGIN_SRC rust
enum Event {
Reset { address: u64, hard: bool },
let new_event = Event::Send("A message".to_owned());
** ~if let~
** Pattern matching and some macros
*** Simple ~match~
#+BEGIN_SRC rust
match an_enum {
MyEnum::Something => todo!("This has to be done"),
MyEnum::SomethingElse(_) => unimplemented!("This is not implemented"),
MyEnum::AnotherThing(e) => println!("It is another thing: {}", e),
_ => unreachable!(),
*** Assigning ~match~
#+BEGIN_SRC rust
let maturity = match age {
0 | 1 => "infant",
2..=12 => "child",
13..=19 => "teen",
_ => "...",
** Loops[fn:reference_loops]
*** Loops
- ~loop~: infinite loops
- ~while~: loops until a predicate is false
- ~while let~: loops until a pattern is matched
- ~for~: loop over an iterator until it is empty
*** Loop labels
- ~break~: terminate/exit a loop
- ~continue~: exit the current iteration and jump to the loop
** Error related types ** Error related types
- Heavy use of ~Option<T>~ and ~Result<T, E>~ - Heavy use of ~Option<T>~ and ~Result<T, E>~
@ -203,17 +283,57 @@
... ...
** Use functional language features ** Printing
When printing something, ~{}~ uses the ~std::fmt::Display~ trait
and ~{:?}~ uses the ~std::fmt::Debug~ trait.
*** ~print!()~ and ~println!()~
#+BEGIN_SRC rust
let amount = 3;
let fields = vec![0,2,5];
println!("We have {} of {:?}", amount, fields);
Prints: ~We have 3 of [0, 2, 5]~
** Deriving ~Debug~
To enable printing of structs or enums when their fields implement
~Debug~ they can be derived with following annotation.
*** Deriving ~Debug~
#+BEGIN_SRC rust
struct Something {
id: usize,
item: String,
** Implementing ~Display~
*** Implementing ~Display~
#+BEGIN_SRC rust
use std::fmt;
struct Something {
id: usize,
item: String,
impl fmt::Display for Something {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}: {}",, self.item)
** Use more functional language features
- ~vec![1, 2, 3].iter()~ - ~vec![1, 2, 3].iter()~
- ~vec![1, 2, 3].iter().sum()~ - ~vec![1, 2, 3].iter().sum()~
- ~vec![1, 2, 3].iter().map(|x| x + 1).collect()~ - ~vec![1, 2, 3].iter().map(|x| x + 1).collect()~
- ~foo.into_iter().filter(|i| == 0).collect()~ - ~foo.into_iter().filter(|i| == 0).collect()~
- ~Iterator~ trait - ~Iterator~ trait
** Control structures
- ~if~, ~if let~, ~match~
- ~loop~, ~for~, ~map()~
** Tests ** Tests
- Use ~assert!()~ family - Use ~assert!()~ family
- Unit tests - Unit tests
@ -223,15 +343,21 @@
- Documentation testing - Documentation testing
- Integration testing - Integration testing
- Integration tests are put into the ~src/tests/~ directory - Integration tests are put into the ~src/tests/~ directory
- [[][Rust Book: Writing Automated Tests]]
- Alastair Reid: [[][Rust Design-for-Testability: a survey]]
** Documentation ** Documentation
- Documentation comments: ~///~ - Documentation comments: ~///~
- Markdown notation - Markdown notation
- ~cargo doc~ runns rustdoc which generates html docs - ~cargo doc~ runns rustdoc which generates html docs
- ~cargo doc --open~ runs rustdoc and opens the result in a browser - ~cargo doc --open~ runs rustdoc and opens the result in a browser
- rustdoc documentation: - [[][rustdoc documentation]]
** FFI (Foreign Function Interface) ** FFI (Foreign Function Interface)
- [[][Rustonomicon: FFI]]
- [[][jni]]: Java bindings for Rust
- [[][Calling Rust From Python]]
- [[][Rustler]]: Write Erlang NIFs in Rust
* Cargo * Cargo
** Cargo ** Cargo
@ -242,10 +368,10 @@
#+ATTR_LaTeX: :height 0.4\textwidth #+ATTR_LaTeX: :height 0.4\textwidth
[[./img/cargo.png]] [[./img/cargo.png]]
** What is it? ** What is it and how does it work?
- Package manager - Package manager
- Build chain/tool
- Cargo calls ~rustc~, the Rust compiler - Cargo calls ~rustc~, the Rust compiler
- Build tool
- A Cargo project contains at least one crate - A Cargo project contains at least one crate
** Hello, World ** Hello, World
@ -277,6 +403,8 @@
** Docs ** Docs
- [[][The Cargo Book]] (~$ rustup docs --cargo~) - [[][The Cargo Book]] (~$ rustup docs --cargo~)
- Guillaume Gomez: [[][Guide on how to write documentation for a Rust
** Cargo commands/plugins ** Cargo commands/plugins
*** What I typically use *** What I typically use
@ -288,7 +416,8 @@
- ~deb~: Automatically create a Debian package. - ~deb~: Automatically create a Debian package.
- ~flamegraph~: Generate flamegraphs about anything. - ~flamegraph~: Generate flamegraphs about anything.
- ~fmt~: Format Rust code according to style guidelines. - ~fmt~: Format Rust code according to style guidelines.
- ~install-update~: Keep all your Cargo commands up to date. - ~install-update~: Keep all your Cargo commands/plugins up to
*** @@comment: comment@@ *** @@comment: comment@@
Cargo downloads your Rust package's dependencies, compiles your Cargo downloads your Rust package's dependencies, compiles your
@ -303,10 +432,13 @@
*** Unofficial [[][]] frontend *** Unofficial [[][]] frontend
[[][]] same but different.. [[][]] same but different..
** Docs
- The [[][Cargo Book]].
* Setup * Setup
** Setup
How to get all that stuff?
** Install the Rust-Toolchain ** Install the Rust-Toolchain
*** Install Rust *** Install Rust
From [[][]]: From [[][]]:
@ -345,8 +477,7 @@
$ rustup update $ rustup update
* IDE support ** IDE support aka are we IDE yet?[fn:areweideyet]
** Are we IDE yet?[fn:9]
\tiny \tiny
| | \rotatebox{90}{Syntax highlightning (.rs)} | \rotatebox{90}{Syntax highlightning (.toml)} | \rotatebox{90}{Snippets} | \rotatebox{90}{Code Completion} | \rotatebox{90}{Linting} | \rotatebox{90}{Code Formatting} | \rotatebox{90}{Go-to Definiton} | \rotatebox{90}{Debugging} | \rotatebox{90}{Documentation Tooltips} | | | \rotatebox{90}{Syntax highlightning (.rs)} | \rotatebox{90}{Syntax highlightning (.toml)} | \rotatebox{90}{Snippets} | \rotatebox{90}{Code Completion} | \rotatebox{90}{Linting} | \rotatebox{90}{Code Formatting} | \rotatebox{90}{Go-to Definiton} | \rotatebox{90}{Debugging} | \rotatebox{90}{Documentation Tooltips} |
|---------------------+--------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+--------------------------+---------------------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------------+---------------------------------+---------------------------+----------------------------------------| |---------------------+--------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+--------------------------+---------------------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------------+---------------------------------+---------------------------+----------------------------------------|
@ -371,24 +502,67 @@
| Ride | [X] | | | | | | | | | | Ride | [X] | | | | | | | | |
* Common Crates * Common Crates
** General
- [[][]]/[[][]] - [[][]]/[[][]]
- [[][Awesome Rust]] - [[][Awesome Rust]]
- clap (command line argument parser)
- env_logger, log
- dotenv - dotenv
- serde - [[][tokio]]
- lazy_static, once_cell (globality, singleton, lazy initialization)
** Parsing/Encoding
- clap: The command line argument parser (if starting a new project
I would use v3.0.0-beta)
- [[][serde]]
- nom - nom
- tokio - [[][pest]]
** Error handling
- anyhow
- thiserror
- snafu
- easy-error
** Logging
- log: a lightweight logging facade
- env_logger
- simple_logger
- simplelog
- pretty_env_logger
- stderrlog
- flexi_logger
- log4rs
- fern
- and many many more (checkout the log readme[fn:log_readme])
** Testing
- quickcheck
- proptest
** Data handling
- lazy_static
- once_cell (globality, singleton, lazy initialization)
- [[][GhostCell]]
** Databases ** Databases
- [[][IndraDB]]
- [[][diesel]]: orm and query builder supporting
- sqlx - sqlx
- diesel - refinery
- barrel
** Gui ([[][]])
A small selection of crates I used/tried so far:
- SixtyFPS
- egui
- imgui
- relm
- and many many more
- bevy_ui
** WebDev ** WebDev
[[][Are we web yet]] [[][Are we web yet]]
- Actix - Actix
- Hyper - Hyper
- Rocket - Rocket
@ -399,10 +573,16 @@
[[][Awesome Embedded Rust]] [[][Awesome Embedded Rust]]
[[][Embedonomicon]] [[][Embedonomicon]]
- avr # - Microchip (Atmel) avr
- stm # - stm
- msp430 # - msp430
- esp32 # - esp32
# - arm
** Unikernel
- [[][RustyHermit]]
* Footnotes * Footnotes
[fn:rust_fungus] [[][Wikimedia]] [fn:rust_fungus] [[][Wikimedia]]
@ -413,4 +593,6 @@
[fn:compiler_speed] [[][The Rust compiler isn't slow; we are]] [fn:compiler_speed] [[][The Rust compiler isn't slow; we are]]
[fn:specification] [[][Understanding and Evolving the Rust Programming Language]] [fn:specification] [[][Understanding and Evolving the Rust Programming Language]]
[fn:xkcd_dangling_pointer] [[][]] [fn:xkcd_dangling_pointer] [[][]]
[fn:reference_loops] [[][Rust Reference: Loops]]
[fn:areweideyet] [[][]] [fn:areweideyet] [[][]]