finga f85a4d7e87 Lay out the structure of the project
Parse arguments which can be used to configure the server. Create a
WASM client stub and make the server capable of serving it. Document
the current state in the readem.
2022-09-17 18:49:41 +02:00

1.2 KiB


A competitive stopwatch, created for but not limited to lock-picking competitions.


The whole LockWatch application stack consists out of two parts. The central server application, and a SPA (single page application) client application which is compiled to WASM and served by the server.


To build the client (the client crate) trunk is used.

trunk --config client/Trunk.toml build


After the client is built, the lockwatch server can be built with following command.

cargo build --bin logwatch


The logwatch server can be used with the following command line arguments.

    lockwatch [OPTIONS]

    -a, --address <ADDRESS>          The address to listen on [default: ::1]
    -h, --help                       Print help information
    -p, --port <PORT>                The port to listen on [default: 3000]
    -s, --static-dir <STATIC_DIR>    Path to the directory containing the statically served files
                                     [default: dist]
    -v                               Set the log level. Multiple -v options increase the verbosity
    -V, --version                    Print version information