finga 800d3ff8c3 fw-rust: Create "all" build task [CI SKIP]
The "all" task configures a new mcu. It burns the fuses, configures
the eeprom and flashs the firmware.
2022-03-28 17:11:10 +02:00

45 lines
1.6 KiB

MCU = "atmega328p"
PROGRAMMER = "usbasp"
HIGH_FUSE = "0xD6"
LOW_FUSE = "0xE2"
description = "Print usage of memory segments"
dependencies = ["build"]
command = "avr-size"
args = ["--format=avr", "--mcu=${MCU}", "target/avr-atmega328p/debug/clock-generator.elf"]
description = "Extract the flash"
dependencies = ["build"]
command = "avr-objcopy"
args = ["-O", "ihex", "-j", ".text", "-j", ".data", "target/avr-atmega328p/debug/clock-generator.elf", "target/avr-atmega328p/debug/clock-generator.hex"]
description = "Flash the firmware"
dependencies = ["copy_flash", "size"]
command = "avrdude"
args = ["-p", "${MCU}", "-c", "${PROGRAMMER}", "-U", "flash:w:target/avr-atmega328p/debug/clock-generator.hex:a"]
description = "Extract the EEPROM"
dependencies = ["build"]
command = "avr-objcopy"
args = ["--change-section-lma", ".eeprom=0", "-O", "ihex", "-j", ".eeprom", "target/avr-atmega328p/debug/clock-generator.elf", "target/avr-atmega328p/debug/clock-generator.eep"]
description = "Flash the eeprom"
dependencies = ["copy_eeprom", "size"]
command = "avrdude"
args = ["-p", "${MCU}", "-c", "${PROGRAMMER}", "-U", "eeprom:w:target/avr-atmega328p/debug/clock-generator.eep:a"]
description = "Burn the fuses"
command = "avrdude"
args = ["-p", "${MCU}", "-c", "${PROGRAMMER}", "-U", "efuse:w:${EXTENDED_FUSE}:m", "-U", "hfuse:w:${HIGH_FUSE}:m", "-U", "lfuse:w:${LOW_FUSE}:m"]
description = "Execute all tasks"
run_task = { name = ["fuses", "eeprom", "flash"] }