# Webhookey Webhookey is a webserver listening for requests as for example sent by gitea's webhooks. Further, Webhookey allows you to specifiy rules which are matched against the data received to trigger certain actions. ## Build ### Install Rust Install the Rust toolchain from [rustup.rs](https://rustup.rs). Further, for Rocket we need to have the nightly toolchain installed: ``` sh rustup toolchain install nightly ``` ### Build Webhookey The webhookey project can be built for development: ``` sh cargo b ``` or for releasing: ``` sh cargo b --release ``` ### Install Webhookey When a Rust toolchain installed you can also install Webhookey directly without cloning it manualy: ``` sh cargo install --git https://git.onders.org/finga/webhookey.git webhookey ``` or from within the project: ``` sh cargo install webhookey ``` ### Run Webhookey Webhookey can either be run from the project directory with: ``` sh cargo b ``` or you can copy the produced binary somewhere else from `webhookey/target/{debug, release}/webhookey` depending on which one you built. ## Configuration Configuration syntax is YAML and it's paths as well as it's configuration format is described in the following sections. ### Configuration paths Following locations are checked for a configuration file: - `/etc/webhookey/config.yml` - `/webhookey/config.yml` - `./config.yml` Whereas `` depends on the platform: - Linux: `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME` or `$HOME/.config` - macOS: `$HOME/Library/Application Support` - Windows: `{FOLDERID_RoamingAppData}` ### Configuration parameters #### Hooks With `hooks` you can configure a sequence of hooks. A single hook consists of the following fields: - command: A command to be executed if a filter matches - allow/deny: An optional parameter to either allow or deny specific source addresses or ranges. - signature: Name of the HTTP header field containing the signature. - secrets: List of secrets. - filters: List of filters. Example: ```yaml hooks: hook1: command: /usr/bin/local/script_xy.sh {{ /repository/name }} signature: X-Gitea-Signature ip_filter: allow: - - secrets: - secret_key_01 - secret_key_02 filters: match_ref: pointer: /ref regex: refs/heads/master ``` ##### Command To pass data to a command following two different methods can be used. Example: `script_foo {{ header X-Gitea-Event }} {{ /field/foo }}` ###### JSON Pointers Use JSON pointers ([RFC 6901](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6901)) point to values of a JSON field from the JSON data. Example: `{{ /field/pointed/to }}`. ###### Header Use values from header fields sent with the HTTP request. Example: `{{ header X-Gitea-Event }}`. ##### Allow and Deny To allow or deny specific network ranges source is an optional configuration parameter which either contains an allow or a deny field with sequences containing networks. Note that IPv6 addresses have to be put in single quotes due to the colons. Example: ```yaml allow: - - - "::1" ``` ```yaml deny: - - - "::1" ``` ##### Signature Set the name of the HTTP header field containing the HMAC signature. ##### Secrets Configure a list of secrets to validate the hook. ##### Filter Each filter must have following fields: - pointer: pointer to the JSON field according to [RFC 6901](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6901) - regex: regular expression which has to match the field pointed to by the pointer # TODOs ## Use `clap` to parse command line arguments ## Configure rocket via config.yml ## Security ### https support basically supported, but related to "Configure rocket via config.yml". ### Authentication features ## Use proptest or quickcheck for tests of parsers