Basic structure and first slides

Create a basic structure and add the first slides about Rust in
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finga 2021-09-02 15:15:48 +02:00
parent 30ede357e2
commit 9ced692aa8
4 changed files with 84 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -26,3 +26,79 @@
#+LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [smaller] #+LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [smaller]
* Rust
** Abstract
#+LaTeX:\includegraphics[width = 0.5\textwidth]{img/Bruine_roest_op_tarwe_(Puccinia_recondita_f.sp._tritici_on_Triticum_aestivum).jpg}
*** Rust, the language
- A bit more than 10 years old (2010)
- Memory safe without gcing, optional ref counting
- Ownership, lifetimes, traits, functional paradigms
- Variables are immutable by default and can be shadowed
- Performance of idiomatic Rust is comparable to the performance
of idiomatic C++
- A well designed language and ecosystem
** Strengths and Weaknesses[fn:2]
*** Things Rust does measurably really well
- Compiled code [[][about same performance as C / C++]], and excellent
[[][memory and energy efficiency]].
- Can [[][avoid 70% of all safety issues]] present in C / C++, and most
memory issues.
- Strong type system prevents [[][data races]], brings [[]['fearless
concurrency']] (amongst others).
- Seamless C interop, and [[][dozens of supported platforms]] (based on
- [[]["Most loved language"]] for 6 years in a row.
- Modern tooling: ~cargo~ (builds just work), ~clippy~ (450+ code
quality lints), ~rustup~ (easy toolchain mgmt).
** Strengths and Weaknesses[fn:2]
*** Points you might run into
- Steep learning curve[fn:4] compiler enforcing (esp. memory)
rules that would be "best practices" elsewhere.
- Missing Rust-native libs in some domains, target platforms
(esp. embedded), IDE features.[fn:4]
- Longer compile times than "similar" code in other
- No formal language specification, can prevent legal use in some
domains (aviation, medical, ...).[fn:6]
- Careless (use of ~unsafe~ in) libraries can secretly break
safety guarantees.
* Cargo
** Cargo
#+ATTR_LaTeX: :height 0.4\textwidth
** What is it?
- Package manager
- Build tool
* Setup
* Hands on
* IDE support
* Cargo plugins
* WebDev
* Embedded
* (Standard?) crates
* Further information
* Footnotes
[fn:1] [[][Wikimedia]]
[fn:2] Copied list from:
[fn:3] Work on GCC: [[][rust-gcc]] and [[][gcc rust backend]].
[fn:4] [[][Rust survey]]
[fn:5] [[][The Rust compiler isn't slow; we are]]
[fn:6] [[][Understanding and Evolving the Rust Programming Language]]