finga 54766df7a5 Remove unneeded units in i3status-rs
Remove units as it seems that they now come together with the values.
2021-11-03 12:34:34 +01:00

78 lines
1.5 KiB

icons = "awesome"
name = "solarized-dark"
idle_fg = "#00cc00"
idle_bg = "#222222"
separator = "|"
separator_fg = "#00cc00"
separator_bg = "#222222"
block = "weather"
format = "{weather} ({location}) {temp}, {humidity}%, {wind} m/s {direction}"
service = { name = "openweathermap", api_key = "8271cc3c23dbae82eda2123c55c050be", city_id = "2766824", units = "metric" }
block = "net"
device = "enp0s3"
format = "{ip} {graph_down} {speed_down} {graph_up} {speed_up}"
block = "disk_space"
path = "/"
alias = "/"
info_type = "available"
unit = "GB"
interval = 60
warning = 20
format = "{icon} {used}/{total} ({available} free)"
block = "memory"
display_type = "memory"
format_mem = "{mem_used}/{mem_total}({mem_used_percents})"
clickable = false
block = "memory"
display_type = "swap"
format_swap = "{swap_used}/{swap_total}({swap_used_percents})"
clickable = false
block = "cpu"
interval = 1
format = "{barchart} {utilization} {frequency}"
# [[block]]
# block = "temperature"
# collapsed = false
# driver = "sysfs"
# format = "{min}° min, {max}° max, {average}° avg"
# chip = "*"
# inputs = ["CPUTIN", "SYSTIN"]
# chip = "*-isa-*"
block = "load"
interval = 1
format = "{1m} {5m} {15m}"
#block = "sound"
block = "time"
interval = 1
format = "%F (%Z) %T"
timezone = "Europe/Vienna"
block = "time"
interval = 1
format = "(%Z) %T"
timezone = "Etc/UTC"