;;;; ;;;;;; -*- Mode: Emacs-Lisp -*- ;;;; ;; package config ;; We want certificate verification for the repositories, see ;; for ;; the issues involved. Note that on Debian, `gnutls-trustfiles' has ;; reasonable settings, so we don't need to customize that. (setq tls-checktrust t) (setq gnutls-verify-error t) (setq tls-program '("gnutls-cli --x509cafile /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt -p %p %h")) (setq gnutls-algorithm-priority "NORMAL:-VERS-TLS1.3") ;; Do package initialization now, so we can require packages from config snippets (setq package-enable-at-startup nil) (require 'package) (setq package-archives '(("gnu" . "https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/") ("melpa" . "https://melpa.org/packages/"))) ;; package list to install (setq package-list '(use-package)) ;; activate packages (package-initialize) ;; fetch list of available packages (unless package-archive-contents (package-refresh-contents)) ;; install missing packages (dolist (package package-list) (unless (package-installed-p package) (package-install package))) ;; configure packages (taken from https://r0tty.org/git/dotfiles/emacs) (require 'use-package) ;; set auth-sources (setq auth-sources '("~/.authinfo.gpg")) ;; Config snippets loading; this provides an easy way to define ;; 'configuration snippets' for use with a specific package (that may ;; be not installed), and enable loading that snippet when its ;; basename (specified as a symbol) is part of the variable ;; config-snippets. (defgroup config-snippets nil "Configuration snippets -- elisp files that are loaded at startup.") (defcustom config-snippets '() "Specifies the config snippets to be loaded at startup. Elements may be strings (interpreted as literal filenames) or symbols, which are converted to strings, and suffixed with \".el\"." :group 'config-snippets :type '(repeat (choice symbol string))) (defcustom config-snippet-path '("~/.emacs.d/config/") "Specifies the path in which config snippets are searched" :group 'config-snippets :type '(repeat directory)) (setq config-snippets '(base backups c calendar dev ediff functions git gpg man multiple-cursors org pass python ripgrep rust wl yaml)) (message "Loading\nconfig-snippets: %s\nconfig-snippets-path: %s" config-snippets config-snippet-path) (dolist (snippet config-snippets) (message "snippet: %s" snippet) (dolist (dir config-snippet-path) (message "dir: %s" dir) (let ((file-name (expand-file-name (concat dir (if (symbolp snippet) (concat (symbol-name snippet) ".el") snippet))))) (message "loading file") (if (file-readable-p file-name) (load-file file-name) (message "Config snippet not found: %s" snippet)))))